Welcome to the March 2016 Binding of the Month Club!
Did you know that the University of North Carolina Greensboro digital projects website is not the only place to view our collection of American trade bindings? If you haven’t discovered them yet, let me encourage you to visit the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) (1). Headquartered at the Boston Public Library, the DPLA was launched in April 2013 after years of planning. Their website gives this summary of their purpose:
Did you know that the University of North Carolina Greensboro digital projects website is not the only place to view our collection of American trade bindings? If you haven’t discovered them yet, let me encourage you to visit the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) (1). Headquartered at the Boston Public Library, the DPLA was launched in April 2013 after years of planning. Their website gives this summary of their purpose:
"The vision of a national digital library has been circulating among librarians, scholars, educators, and private industry representatives since the early 1990s. Efforts led by a range of organizations, including the Library of Congress, HathiTrust, and the Internet Archive, have successfully built resources that provide books, images, historic records, and audiovisual materials to anyone with Internet access. Many universities, public libraries and other public-spirited organizations have digitized materials, but these digital collections often exist in silos. The DPLA brings these different viewpoints, experiences, and collections together in a single platform and portal, providing open and coherent access to our society's digitized cultural heritage." (2)
The UNCG Libraries are a contributing institution to DPLA
through the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center, one of DPLA’s partners, and
our American Publishers’ Trade Bindings (APTB) collection can be viewed in its
entirety on DPLA.
Why bring up DPLA on American Trade Bindings and Beyond? In addition to my personal respect for what
they’re doing and the quality of the product (11,776,547 digital items as I write
this), and that you can find our bindings on their site, and to celebrate their
third anniversary, I was delighted to find that one of their staff is a big fan
of APTB! Let me introduce you to Kenny
Whitebloom, Manager of Special Projects at DPLA. According to his bio, Kenny “works to
build DPLA’s network of users and supporters through events and programs,
communications, partnerships, strategic initiatives, and other projects that
promote growth and innovation. He previously worked at the Berkman Center for
Internet & Society at Harvard University. Kenny holds a MLIS from
Simmons School of Library and Information Science and a BA in History and
Italian from Vassar College. Kenny’s current favorite DPLA items are the
bindings for A Kentucky Cardinal
and Aftermath (1900), Like a
Gallant Lady (1897), The
Tent on the Beach (1899), and The
Legatee (1903).”

In addition to his accomplishments, Kenny also has great
taste in bindings. The titles he lists have
binding designs by Hugh Thomson, Will Bradley, Margaret Armstrong, and the
Decorative Designers respectively--all very heavy hitters in the world of
binding design, and innovators in illustration and design. Hugh Thomson (1860-1920) was born in
Coleraine, County Londonderry, Ireland and died in London. He was known for his work in periodical and book
illustration. In our context, he
illustrated a number of classic authors, including Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens,
and Oliver Goldsmith, as well as contemporary authors such as James Barrie and
James Lane Allen. In the 1880s and 1890s
he created binding designs (and illustrations) for a number of books for Macmillan
and Kegan Paul. These are instantly
recognizable by their elaborate pictorial scenes, stamped in gilt, and usually
on dark cloth (we have five of his covers in the collection).
Will H. Bradley (1868-1962) was an artist, book, magazine
and graphic designer, illustrator, typographer, writer, and was considered one
of the pre-eminent poster artists in the United States. He started his own publishing firm, the
Wayside Press, in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1895. He designed covers for both small presses
(H.S. Stone and Way & Williams of Chicago, R.H. Russell of New York) and
large publishing firms (Frederick A. Stokes, John Lane, Dodd, Mead and Company (3)). We've met Margaret Armstrong (1867-1944) in several earlier posts and her work will be featured again; many consider her among the best, if not the best, of the binding designers. For this post, however, my choice from Kenny's favorites is The Legatee, by Alice Prescott Smith (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1903), with a binding by the Decorative Designers--I'm an unrepentant fan of designs on black or charcoal gray cloth...
The dramatic pictorial cover shows a forest in
flames. The somber black cloth becomes
silhouetted pines against a background of swirling multicolored flames reaching
(by implication) far up into the sky.
This cover is a good example of the switching of foreground image (the
only inked portion of the design) into background, with the illusion of background
black cloth becoming the foreground image.
The extremely restrained lettering in the center of the cover completes
the design. At first glance the darkened
portion of the flames in the upper right might be mistaken as intentional,
representing smoke among the flames.
After a more careful look at our copy and comparing it to the copy at
the University of California, this “effect” turns out to be nothing more than
the result of aging and the thousand natural shocks that cloth is heir to.
UNCG copy
University of California copy
UNCG copy
University of California copy
The Legatee is a story of the lumber districts and lumber
trade in the northeastern peninsula of Wisconsin in the early 1870s. With references to Lake Michigan and the
beaches and bluffs around the town of Wilsonport, the location must be the
southern coast of the Door Peninsula, though this is not specifically
mentioned. A young Virginian comes to
the area after inheriting a lumber mill from his deceased uncle. There is an immediate clash between the
rural, isolated upper Midwest villagers and young Robert Proctor, our hero, who
until the Civil War had been a slave owner.
Neither understands the other and hostility grows. He comes to love Katherine Edminster, the
daughter of the local doctor, and her initial animosity gradually turns to
affection. The novel culminates with an
account of the Great Peshtigo Fire (though not called this in the book) of October 8-10th, 1871 which devastates the
entire region. A very favorable review
in the San Francisco Call of April 26, 1903, draws particular attention to the
creation of original characters and the relationships among them, and that the “The
catastrophe is worked up with dramatic skill and is described with a genuine
intensity of feeling and vividness of pictorial effect.” (4)

![]() |
From the November 25, 1871 issue of Harper's Weekly magazine |
"All that's very well--and who doesn't want to know
about a huge fire--but what about the binding designer?" That’s a
fair question. I apologize for treating
the main course like dessert, but when it’s the Decorative Designers you really
have both in one. Much is known about
the firm, in large part because of the pioneering work of Charles Gullans and
John Espey (7) who had the good fortune to interview one of the co-founders of the
firm, Lee Thayer, in the early 1970s. UCLA’s
Special Collections holds a substantial “Collection of Materials by and
Relating to the Decorative Designers” donated by Gullans and Espey (8).
The firm was unique in several ways, first of all because it was a firm. It was founded in 1895 by the architect Henry Thayer (1867-1940) who quickly hired Emma Reddington Lee (1874-1973), who was trained in the decorative arts. Emma later married Thayer (1909) and changed her name to Mrs. Lee Thayer. Two other artists were hired, Rome K. Richardson, (born 1877) and Adam Empie. Later Charles Buckles Falls (1874-1960) and Jay Chambers (1877-1929) were added. Most binding designers worked as individuals, whether by contract or commission by publishers, or as art directors for the publishers.
The firm was unique in several ways, first of all because it was a firm. It was founded in 1895 by the architect Henry Thayer (1867-1940) who quickly hired Emma Reddington Lee (1874-1973), who was trained in the decorative arts. Emma later married Thayer (1909) and changed her name to Mrs. Lee Thayer. Two other artists were hired, Rome K. Richardson, (born 1877) and Adam Empie. Later Charles Buckles Falls (1874-1960) and Jay Chambers (1877-1929) were added. Most binding designers worked as individuals, whether by contract or commission by publishers, or as art directors for the publishers.
Another unique feature of the firm was division of
labor. Henry Thayer, trained as an
architect, was responsible for a great deal of the lettering on book covers or
other work (the firm also did illustration, dust jacket design, advertising,
and other design work). Lee Thayer was
responsible for decorative designs and borders.
Richardson, who was with the Decorative Designers from 1896-1901, and
Adam Empie transferred the designs to brass plates and engraved them. Charles Buckles Falls and Jay Chambers, the
latter working for the firm from 1902-1913, provided the figurative drawings
used for “narrative” designs. Although
work for the firm was either unsigned or signed with their distinctive interlocked
DD monogram, with the second “D” reversed, all of the artists working for the
firm produced covers that were largely or completely by the single artist. Falls, Richardson and Empie also signed these
solo efforts with distinctive monograms.
Examples of these single designer bindings and monograms are given
below (except Empie, as we have no examples of his solo work). In all, the firm produced an
astonishing output of around 25,000 pieces of design work, an unknown number of
which were book covers, though they were certainly in the thousands. The firm was dissolved in 1931 and Lee and
Henry Thayer’s marriage ended in divorce the next year. Our digital collection includes 120 covers by
the Decorative Designers at this time.
Only somewhere between 10 and 100 times that number to go!

Cover designs by Lee Thayer (left) and Henry Thayer (right) and Jay Chambers (below)(9)
Cover designs by Rome Richardson (below left) and Charles Buckles Falls (below right)

And their monograms

Thanks again, Kenny, for your interest in the American
Publishers’ Trade Bindings digital collection, and for a fine selection of
favorites. And to our visitors, don’t
forget that your’s could be the next selection for Binding of the Month. Just drop us a comment.
(1) Wikipedia article, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Public_Library_of_America for a brief overview.
(2) http://dp.la/info/about/history/
viewed March 30, 2016.
(4) “Tale of ‘The
Legatee,’ by Alice Prescott Smith, Is Strong in its Types.” Review: San Francisco Call, Volume 93, Number 147, 26
April 1903. http://cdnc.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/cdnc?a=d&d=SFC19030426.2.54
(5) Deana C. Hipke. The Great Peshtigo Fire of 1871. http://www.peshtigofire.info/ Also see “The Peshtigo Fire” (http://www.weather.gov/grb/peshtigofire
) and “The Great Midwest Wildfires of 1871” (http://www.weather.gov/grb/peshtigofire2)
(6) “New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909,
1925-1957," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-21741-32740-69?cc=1923888), 4184 - vol 9331, Dec 14, 1927 > image 184 of 486;
citing NARA microfilm publication T715 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and
Records Administration, n.d.).
(7) For a useful short account of the firm, see: Gullans, Charles and John Espey. “American Trade Bindings
and Their Designers, 1880-1915.” In Peters, Jean, ed. Collectible Books: Some
New Paths. New York: Bowker, 1979, p. 32-67.
(8) Online finding aid at: http://pdf.oac.cdlib.org/pdf/ucla/mss/deco1182.pdf
(9) Attributions by Lee Thayer as reported by Gullans and Espey in Collectible Books. The image for The Yellow Van is from the invaluable website Publishers Bindings Online (PBO) with my thanks. We have a copy in our collection but it's in poor condition.
(9) Attributions by Lee Thayer as reported by Gullans and Espey in Collectible Books. The image for The Yellow Van is from the invaluable website Publishers Bindings Online (PBO) with my thanks. We have a copy in our collection but it's in poor condition.